
The Promise of a Greener Tomorrow with Belco XT® Trim

greener tomorrow with belco xt trim

As climate change continues to exist as a growing issue, it’s important that we become solution oriented. One solution is to use more wood in your homes. The more natural the wood, the better. Wood remains far and away, the greenest building product on earth. Let’s look at several reasons why using more wood is good for the planet and your business. Learn more about how you can become part of a greener future with Belco XT® Trim.

Restoration Potential

We all know growing trees take in CO2 while expelling oxygen. A recent study by J.F. Bastin, et al. concluded that the world’s ecosystems could  support a 25% increase in forested lands. This is roughly 2.2 billion acres. The estimated 500 billion trees would capture 205 gigatons of carbon. Or, enough to negate 20 years of human produced carbon emissions at current levels. This is not a catch-all solution by itself. However, climatologists continue to debate the merits and feasibility of such a program.

Sustainability Forestry Initiative and a Greener Tomorrow with Belco XT® Trim

Of course, the forestry and forest products industries have recognized the efficacy of sustainable forest management practices long before the first Earth day in 1970.

The International Forest Stewardship Council (1993) and the North American Sustainable Forestry Initiative (1994) were early standards developers. These, and other organizations, identify and promulgate best practices in forest management, fiber sourcing, and chain-of-custody responsibility.

A new set of SFI standards took effect this year. The SFI Climate Smart Forestry Objective ensures forest management activities address climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. The SFI Fire Resilience and Awareness Objective is also hugely influential. It requires SFI-certified organizations to limit susceptibility of forests to undesirable impacts of wildfire. Additionally, it works to raise community awareness of fire benefits, risks, and minimization measures.

Impact of Carbon Dioxide Emissions During Construction

Buildings create about 40% of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. Ed Mazria, FAIA, an architect in Santa Fe, New Mexico, dug into the data behind the materials used to create buildings. He came to a startling conclusion: architects have been on a carbon binge for decades. 

Long overlooked, embodied carbon—the measure of CO2 emitted during construction including the extraction, manufacturing and tansportation of materials— will account for a staggering 74% of carbon emissions. The embodied carbon of steel, concrete, and aluminum alone accounts for nearly 23% of global CO2 emissions and most of it is from building and infrastructure construction.

 Designers play a critical role in embodied carbon. This is because once a building is completed, the carbon is locked in forever. But they can’t do it alone. AIA’s Blueprint for Better campaign is one effort aimed at all stakeholders – architects, design professionals, engineers, developers, civic leaders and the public to “achieve a zero-carbon, resilient, healthy, just, and equitable built environment.” The good news is, you can become part of a greener tomorrow with Belco XT® Trim.

The Promise of a Greener Tomorrow with Belco XT® Trim

When you choose materials for your building products, you are inevitably making a choice that impacts the environment. Materials like fiber cement contain harmful chemicals that disrupt our ecosystem. Natural wood is different. It’s a renewable resource sealed with mother nature’s stamp. Natural wood is beautiful and timeless. But it’s also different than natural wood products used a decade ago. 

Our Belco XT® products are preservative-treated with an environmentally friendly solution that helps fight against rot. We purchase raw material from sources that support reforestation and greener practices. Additionally, we think about the impact our work has on our community. We continually support efforts and research to fight climate change. When you choose Belco, you also choose a greener future and a brighter tomorrow.

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Download the Window Trim Cutlist Guide

Reduce trim waste with this guide to the optimal window trim cutlist. Download the Guide

Our Happy Customers

Preservative treated, primed, and available with a combed, brushed, resawn, or smooth face. The real beauty of your home comes to life through a well made trim package.

Preservative treated, primed, and available with a combed or smooth face. These glulam columns are strong, beautiful, and enhance any exterior design. 

Belco XT®-T&G is graded smooth face with edge vees on all four edges and a textured ungraded back.

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